Original vs. Compatible Ink Cartridges - Know the Difference
Having a stock of replacement inks can save you from the hassle of rushing to purchase when you need them the most. You will also save a lot of time by having inks on-hand and ready in your inventory. That said, it’s important to make sure that you are choosing the right inks for your printer. As you explore your options, you are likely to come across original and replacement cartridges . There is usually confusion when differentiating between compatible and original inks. After all, you want to be certain that the cartridge will work for your printer, not cause any problems, and deliver the highest-quality printouts with long-lasting colors and details on specialty media. This article should clear up the areas that may be confusing for most consumers and guide you to making an informed purchase decision. The Basics For starters, it is important to understand the basic terminology. Original cartridges are those that are made by the same company that manufactured your printer. Tha...