Different Facts About Eco-Solvent Ink Safety

You are likely to find a wide variety of options as you explore the range of inks to produce high-quality graphics. One of these is eco-solvent ink, which may be more cost-effective to use for large format printing and many other applications. When you choose the right product, such as Roland Eco-Sol Max ink, concerns about the safety of eco-solvent inks will be the least of your worries. Just make sure that you are buying authentic products from a credible eco-solvent ink supplier like Bink Inks. Why eco-solvent inks? Solvent-based inks are known by different names—particularly eco-solvent, mild-solvent, bio-solvent, and soft-solvents. They all refer to more environmentally friendly options than standard solvent inks, which are known for having VCOs (volatile organic compounds) that can cause environmental and human health issues along with broader concerns addressed in the HAPS (hazardous air pollutants) list. An eco-solvent ink has less aggressive solvents than what is found in thei...